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Nano Emulsified CBD

The term Nano CBD refers to a form of CBD where the cannabidiol molecule is reduced in a laboratory process to over one-millionth of its original size.  Nanotechnology is the science used to reduce the molecular size of CBD, food supplements, and medicines so that they can be more easily absorbed and readily utilized by the body.

The reason, relevance, and objective of utilizing nanotechnology in the formulation of Nano CBD Products are to improve bioavailability and subsequent bioactivity or effectiveness.  This is achieved when the nano CBD is absorbed, activated, and utilized before it has a chance to be metabolized by the liver, diluted, and/or lost in the digestive process.  For example, nanotechnology is extremely advantageous from a biological and biochemical standpoint when interaction with the liver is not desired.

At increasing levels of intensity, consumers are asking if nano CBD is more effective, and perhaps more economical than traditional forms of CBD?

First, what is CBD?

CBD is an abbreviation for “cannabidiol” which is one of over 100 phytocannabinoids found in all 3 main species of the genus Cannabis (plant family Cannabaceae).  Phytocannabinoids are molecules produced by the plant’s glandular organs called trichomes.  These trichomes are what produce the sticky resins (containing the cannabinoids and terpenes) that largely protect the female plant's flowers from natural predation and reflect the Sun’s intensity.

The natural resins produced by these trichomes are also rich in “terpenes” (and terpenoids) which are not only the sources of the plant's natural aromas that we all enjoy like limonene (citrus fruits), pinene (pine conifers), and linalool (rose/lavender/jasmine), but more valuable medicinally as natural, biochemical agents that appear to work synergistically with the resins produced by these trichomes.

It is these plant cannabinoids and terpenes which appear to improve patient results when they are included together in a Full Spectrum CBD product.

Types Of Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids are classified into sub-types:

  • Cannabigerol (CBG)
  • Cannabichromene (CBC)
  • Cannabidiol (CBD)
  • Cannabinol (CBN)
  • Cannabinodiol (CBDL)
  • Cannabicyclol (CBL)
  • Cannabielsoin (CBE)
  • Cannabitriol (CBT)
  • Cannabivarin (CBV)
  • Cannabidivarin (CBDV)
  • Cannabigerovarin (CBGV)
  • CannabigerolMonoethyl Ether (CBGM)
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
  • Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA)
  • Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)

From a botanical standpoint and growing naturally for over millions of years, these 3 species have been scientifically (taxonomy) acknowledged as Cannabis indica which is most indigenous to Asia, Cannabis sativa found throughout North and South America, and finally, Cannabis ruderalis which is commonly known as “hemp” evidencing prodigious growth and use throughout the world as long as recorded history shows by Sumerian scribes on clay tablets dating as far back as 3200 BC.

Today, CBD is the main ingredient for the most commercially demanded nutraceuticals sought throughout the world by consumers.  

How Does CBD Work?

There are interesting developments in this area of discovery worthy of sharing.  Although scientists agree on the existence and interactivity of our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS) with our immune system, endocrine system (hormones), nervous system, and other main body systems, research is now questioning whether CBD directly influences CB1 and CB2 receptors located throughout the body, or stimulates the body’s endocannabinoids that are naturally produced… or all the above.

This discovery was the biological nexus that consequently lead to today’s common use and acceptance of CBD. 

In fact, a new diagnosis has been identified by medical science called Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome (EDS) and is being shared more within the medical community. EDS is a medical condition that most all patients seeking effective CBD products and therapy are experiencing.  In fact, it can be argued that chronic medical conditions and diseases cause EDS due to the havoc inherently caused throughout the body.

The Human Endocannabinoid System

In order to better understand how CBD works, you would be best served with a basic understanding of your ECS.  In 1992, Dr. Ralph Mechoulam’s associate Dr. Lumir Hanus at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in collaboration with an American scientist, Dr. William Devane, identified the first endocannabinoid (meaning: cannabinoids created within our own body) called anandamide (AES). Subsequently, Dr. Mechoulam’s research in Cannabis plant anatomy and biochemistry connected the relationship between naturally occurring CBD in Cannabis to its bioactivity within our own endocannabinoid system.

By the early 21st century, Dr. Mechoulam and his colleagues were able to discover a new “system” of receptor cells as the previously referenced CB1 and CB2 receptor sites and cells located throughout the body that proved to interact with cannabidiol (CBD) and the rest of the cannabinoid family. It is now understood that CBD is an endocannabinoid ‘modulator’ that has the effect of countering imbalances within the body’s array of many interrelated ‘systems’.

Nano Emulsified Technology

 Nano-emulsified technology has to do with manipulating all kinds of things at the supramolecular level. This not only includes natural substances like CBD, but it also involves efforts to create cutting-edge physical devices, more effective pharmaceutical drug delivery methods, common personal electronics, and hopefully, much more renewable and intrinsic energy discoveries that will transform human potential.

Nanomaterials are currently used in over 2,000 consumer products from communications, coatings, and transportation to textiles, healthcare, and food safety.  In the manufacturing and scientific environments it has become ubiquitous and a subject of intense focus.

Nanomedicine is one of the main focuses of nanotechnological research developing and providing new methods of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease.  These non-CBD Nanomaterials, when added to other compounds, are now destroying cancer cells in clinical trials which are leading to alternatives to traditional cancer therapy.  They are slowing the advancement of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and the plague of heart disease in America.

These nanomaterials and substances are efficient and apparently well tolerated by the body such as nanotubes which are currently used to repair damaged tissue.  Nanoadjuvants are immunomodulatory agents that deliver vaccine antigens more effectively.

The “Nano-knife” is a virtually non-invasive, microsurgical device and procedure that destroys cancer cells using high-voltage electricity. Nanoscience studies the structure of things on an ultra-small level and attempts to understand how the change in size affects the usual properties of the substance or device.  Nanotechnology is the study of how to design and implement systems at the nanoscale.

The Nano Scale & Nanometers (nm)

 The human eye has the ability to focus down to a scale of 1 centimeter to 1 millimeter.  When we look through a typical high-school lab microscope we are looking at a scale of micrometers (one-thousandth of a millimeter).  For example, viruses and bacteria are measured in micrometers, and a typical silicon chip is usually around 1 micrometer thick.

At the nanoscale, we go much smaller yet.  Here are a few examples to give you a better sense of the size of very small things at the Nano level (in nanometers).

  • Hydrogen Atoms… 10 atoms side-by-side = 1 nm
  • DNA Chain… 2.5 nm
  • Traditional CBD Isolate Crystal… 4,000 nm
  • Red Blood Cells… 7,000 nm
  • Human Hair… 50,000 to 100,000 nm
  • Sheet of copy paper… 75,000 nm

Consider this… If everyone living on Earth today measured 1 nanometer (nm), we could all fit into a space smaller than half a bar of soap. It’s no surprise that nanoscience has embraced the subject of CBD therapy and healthcare throughout the world. 

How is Nano CBD different from traditional CBD?

 Over the last few decades, more scientists have become able to take natural substances (and physical objects) and reduce them to Nano-sized equivalents that are so small that they can be more readily and easily absorbed by the body.  As Dr. Anubhav Pratap Singh, Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia describes, “… as we reduce the particles to a few hundred nanometers, some properties of the particles are completely different than the old particles… they can pass through gaps that they were unable to before.  So we try to take advantage of this in different forms (like CBD).”

CBD is made from many forms of traditional hemp oil, but more recently, hybrid Cannabis strain extracts.  These constantly evolving strains and hybrids involve the botanical sciences at work behind the scenes. These developments are largely what is driving the potential for increased profits from greater yields of CBD from each pound of bulk (raw) plant material harvested.  But these are observations at the traditionally ‘organic’ level.

Simply stated, the purpose of Nano-sizing the organic CBD molecule to over one-millionth of its original size is along the lines of the following results and benefits:

  • Increase the speed of delivery
  • Increase bioavailability
  • Increase subsequent bioactivity
  • Increase overall effectiveness

One of the biggest advantages achieved with Nano CBD is the ability to make it ‘almost’ water-soluble by a process commonly referred to as “Nano-emulsification”.  It’s a way of suspending these incredibly tiny, Nano CBD molecules to water clusters that keep the CBD in solution and not sticking to the walls of its container or sinking to the bottom.

This Nano-sizing process is constantly being examined, improved, and is currently demonstrated in rapidly growing numbers of new CBD product brands.  These contain Nano-enhanced hemp oil formulas that are infused into beverages, sublingual oils, vapes, and more solid product forms referred to as edibles.

When you consider that CBD consumed in the form of a beverage goes directly to the stomach and then throughout the digestive and filtering organs, Nano-sized CBD becomes even more relevant when it is in an edible product, gel cap, or capsule form.

This is because Nano-sized CBD is not lost to the digestive process... at least not as much loss of bioavailability as CBD in its more traditionally extracted forms.  It is so small that it gets into the bloodstream before it even reaches the liver which is where traditional hemp oil extract is metabolized.

Nano CBD Provides Better Results

 The growth and focus on Nanomedicine in the last decade has provided a fertile field for growth in product development from plant-based nutrients used in “vitamin supplements” and natural, non-addictive alternatives to drugs and Big Pharma’s distribution strategies.

If you ask a patient who has used a traditional CBD hemp oil product and subsequently compared it to a well-established, high-quality, 3rd Party Tested, QR coded, and documented Nano CBD product, they’ll likely tell you that they continue to use it and prefer a Nano CBD product.

Nano CBD products are no more expensive than traditional CBD products.

According to the National Institute of Health, one of their clinical studies in 2018 of an orally-administered Nano CBD formulation showed an increase in the bioactivity of 131% from pharmacokinetic analyses of blood samples.

Patient results have only improved since then, and advancements in nanotechnology and nanoscience by 2020 have become even more significant.  The study’s researchers concluded that Nano CBD absorbed through the buccal mucosa tissues in the mouth and/or any “first pass” digestive or otherwise metabolized after ingestion is “a safe and effective delivery platform for both CBD and THC."

 Type Nano CBD Products

 Another advantage that comes with Nano CBD products is that you have a much more broad range of product types from which to choose.  As mentioned earlier, Nano CBD opened up the entire world of beverages with Nano CBD infusion.  Everything from water to soft drinks, beer, and energy shots.  More and more brands are adding Nano CBD to their list of ingredients.

Edible products ranging from candy treats like CBD gummies and chocolate confections to nutritional products, athletic performance, sleep aids, cold symptom lozenges, and even cooking and baking ingredients like cannabutter is now common and easy to make in your own kitchen.

Topical CBD products like transdermal patches, lotions, salves, roll-on emulsions, and bath products are some of the most widely used new product types.  

CBD vape products (inhaling CBD vapor) are widely available in the form of disposable vape pens, or more concentrated forms like shatter and crystalline isolate via dab rigs and myriad forms of vaporizers on the market. Quality vape products do not contain Vitamin E acetate, vegetable glycerin (VG), or propylene glycol (PG).  Products containing these additives should be avoided.

Traditional products in the form of gel capsules or sublingual tincture oil remain the most popular forms of Nano CBD products.

Nano CBD Summary

No matter who is directing you, we  recommend consumers compare these two basic forms of CBD.  That being traditional CBD hemp oil products compared to Nano CBD products.  The data is expanding rapidly, and it’s only logical that consumers do their own due diligence as they would any other ingestible, health product. However, the evidence is clear that Nano CBD has great efficacy than traditional CBD. The union of science, technology, and Mother Earth will be here for years to come as people keep looking for ways to improve their health.

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