Benefits, Blogs

The Additional Benefits of Nano Emulsified CBD

Did you know that when you consume CBD only about 20 percent of the CBD molecules are absorbed into your body? You see, when you consume CBD products, or really almost any nutraceutical, only a portion will be absorbed into the bloodstream to give you the health benefits we have heard about. If you haven’t heard, don’t worry because we will talk about them in subsequent areas. However, a large part, about 80%, of the molecules you ingest won’t be absorbed.

Why does this happen? Experts contend that when you ingest anything, your body cells can only absorb molecules whose size is 60 to 80 nanometers. These are very tiny particles because a nanometer is a billionth of a meter. No matter the quality of the products, the CBD molecules in most hemp oils are about 2000 nanometers, approximately.

So, you see, it is theoretically impossible for the cells to absorb CBD oil, given that the molecules are way too big. When you consume CBD orally, it is broken down in the stomach before being absorbed into the bloodstream. In essence, the effective amount of CBD that you are getting in the real sense is far less than the one you originally took. In addition, this type of CBD also takes longer to give you the expected outcomes because your body’s digestive system has to take some time to process the oil before it is absorbed.

This is where the Nano Emulsion Technology comes in: to help address the limitations of consuming regular CBD.

Before we tell you about this technology in relation to CBD, let us talk about the benefits of CBD.

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